The Militia Immaculata derives its name from an organization started by their patron, Saint Maximilian Kolbe. The name means, “Army of the Immaculate One.” It was created to work for the conversion of sinners and enemies of the Church through the intercession of Mary.
Interesting Fact
The Militia’s crest was designed to represent Kolbe’s Militia. The number 16670 was Kolbe’s Auschwitz prisoner number tattooed on his arm. He died in the camp after selflessly volunteering to take another man’s place for execution.
Motto: “Fiat” Latin - “Let it be done.” (Mary’s response at the Annunciation)
Patron Saint: Maximilian Kolbe
The Little Flowers take their name from their patron, Saint Therese of Lisieux. St. Therese understood that she was God’s simple little flower on a hill of far more radiant ones. It was this simplicity that formed her spirituality, known as The Little Way in which the smallest and weakest ones would come to holiness by total dependence on God.
Interesting Fact
When this female household was first forming, their foundress drew inspiration from a household she was a part of when a student at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Fittingly, it was a household devoted to St. Therese, known as the Little Flowers.
Motto: “May all moments of our life be for Him alone.” - St. Therese of Lisieux
Patron Saint: Saint Therese of Lisieux
The name Katharos is a greek word that means “The Pure Ones.” It’s the word that is used by Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount when he says, “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God.” -Matthew 5:8
Interesting Fact
Katharos was also a name of a group of heretics in the early Church. But luckily, the Katharos household doesn't include heretics...instead, it is full of really nice ladies.
Motto: “Blessed are the pure in heart” -Matthew 5:8
Patron Saint: Mary Queen of Heaven
Often referred to as “The Audis”, this household’s name is a Latin word that means boldness.
Interesting Fact
When the household was forming, the founders wanted a name that represented the call to live their Christian life with boldness and courage. Seeking help from a seminarian, they found the Latin word “Auducia” which was a misspelling. It has since been corrected to “Audacia” to dismiss any suspicion that men in Audi didn’t know how to spell.
Motto: “Non tardes converti” -Sirach 5:8 -- Latin: “Do not delay your conversion”
Patron Saint: Saint John Paul II
This household is named after Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. Frassati was a young man from Italy who loved mountaineering and the poor. He died from polio at the age of 24 in 1925. Frassati was known as a jokester, who would always “hustle” his friends into attending mass or praying with him.
Interesting Fact
Frassati was originally named HVHY with black and purple as its colors. The household decided to change its name in honor of the saint after its first year of existence.
Motto: “Verso L’alto” -- Italian: “To the Heights!”
Patron Saint: Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
This household's name comes from their patrons, the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste. These martyrs were all Roman Soldiers part of the elite 12th Roman Legion, named the Fulminata. Fulminata is a Latin word that means, “Armed with Lightning.” 40 of these soldiers had converted to Christianity at a time when it was illegal to be a Christian. They were executed due to their refusal to reject their faith.
Interesting Fact
The Fulminata is the oldest household. It was founded when, three small groups were combined and were called the BAC. This was the original name until 2016 when its name was changed to the Fulminata.
Motto: “Esto Vir.” -- Latin: “Be a Man.”
Patron Saint: The 40 Martyrs of Sebaste